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Beauty Channel

In case you did not know, I'm a big addict YouTube. Besides composing videos of my way, I also spend a lot of time watching videos of other people. Occasionally beauty channel, I find a really unique and interesting that I have to share with you video. The other day , I discovered the beauty of the green channel .

I actually found a video of relaxed hair on the channel that I have not necessarily agree beauty channel, but I wanted to share a 3 part series on hair typing produced by the creator of beautiful green channel .

I know, I know ... you are probably a little burnt hair to write beauty channel, but bear with me . For those of you who are not familiar with hair type , the concept is more noticeable because of the organization of strikes of the famous stylist Andre Walker.

Other hair banging tables have been developed by different designers and various beauty bloggers , but your card with its four different loop patterns (or lack of curvature ) beauty channel, it has always stuck with black hair community .

However, simply categorizing the loop type leaves much to be desired. There are other hair characteristics affecting the shape of hair behaves like the density , texture, thickness and porosity ( not to mention hair length ) beauty channel. There are also special considerations when the hair has been chemically treated .

In Series 3 - piece produced by Channel ecological beauty , creative channel for a completely new "type" of hair beauty channel. Check it out !

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This entry was posted in Hair Care and tagged beauty green channel , hair care , awesome hair , natural hair beauty channel. April 5, 2013
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